Irrigation Water Rights

What is a water right agreement

Wenatchee Reclamation District (“District”), an irrigation district, owns the right to divert water from the Wenatchee River to its water users by utilizing its conveyance system or canal. Properties that have a water right agreement with the District have the perpetual right to the use of water from the irrigation system of the District.


The delivery of water shall be made at the bank of the main canal or pipeline of the District; where it maintains a suitable measuring device which shall remain the property of the District. Properties shall convey the water from that point of delivery at its own cost and expense.


From time to time homeowners contact the District wanting the right to use irrigation water from the District’s canal. Two questions you need to answer: 1. How will you get the water from the canal or pipeline to your property?

Remember the District delivers the water to the bank of the canal or pipeline. The infrastructure conveying the water from a diversion point at the canal are private and not the District’s. Therefore, in order to utilize this infrastructure, you must receive written consent from no less than two-thirds of the parcels of property being served by the common line or their authorized representative.

The District might be able to assist you if you have the name or parcel number of properties near you that you might be able to utilize their infrastructure.

2. The District requires 1.00 share to 1.00 acre. Who will you be purchasing water from?

Before purchasing any water right, it must be deemed transferable by the District and within the District boundaries. All transfers must come through the District office. Fees will apply.

What does one share mean?

  • One share equals 5.5 gallons per minute based upon a 24-hours a day seven days a week.

Can I sell my water rights?

In short, the answer is no. Irrigation water is appurtenant to the property that it is assigned.

Why do I have to pay an assessment if I don’t receive water?

  • Land which is subject of a water right agreement is charged assessments/rates, tolls and charges, whether it received water or not.
  • Objections to the yearly assessments/rates, tolls and charges must be voiced at the yearly equalization meeting held by the Directors of the District in accordance with RCW 87.03.255. The time and place of this meeting is advertised in the legal advertising section of the Wenatchee World.